Friday, January 27, 2012

Since we are officially becoming the North American Union, will we have another revolution & take back the U.S?

Canada, U.S. on verge of North American trade, security ’perimeter’

Postmedia News December 9, 2010 OTTAWA — A landmark deal is at hand between Canada and the United States to form a trade and security perimeter around the continent with an eye to easing the flow of goods and people across the border, the National Post is reporting.

Called the New Border Vision, the pact could be signed as early as January by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Barack Obama.

It is unofficially anticipated that the plan will be on the agenda when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits Ottawa on Monday. But officially, the perimeter pact is still below the radar.

“No such announcement is planned,” a spokesman for Public Safety Minister Vic Toews told the National Post. “We don’t comment on hearsay or speculation.” Nor would a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa comment on the matter.

But according to people familiar with the plan, The New Border Vision is being billed as a border management system that will include new common consumer product regulations, a pre-clearance agreement for goods crossing the border to expedite waiting times and the use of advanced technology to utilize biometric data for travellers at airports and land crossings, reports say.

The use of the term “perimeter” is also revealing as such a term would not have been used earlier in the decade due to sensitivities about Canadian sovereignty.

Colin Robertson, a senior research fellow with the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute, told the National Post the agreement is an attempt by the Canadian government to link security to improved access to the U.S. for Canadians.

“‘Perimeter’ is a vital word because back in the Chretien government days we couldn’t use it because we would get caught up in the sovereignty allergy we too often have,” he said. “It makes a lot of sense.”

“It’s big on ideals but maybe not so great on details,” one person familiar with the negotiations told the National Post. “But it does use the word ‘perimeter’ many times . . . The question is, will it reduce the compliance burden at the Canada-U.S. border?”

Last March, the U.S. signed a similar agreement with Mexico. It aims to expedite travel and commerce such as secure transit lanes for pre-cleared rail and truck shipments, as well as passenger pre-clearance for individuals.

Robertson said he anticipates that the deal will be popular with the business community. But another business person was skeptical. “A vision without money,” he said, “is a hallucination.”

Canada and the U.S. have taken some steps to ease border congestion —_notably the NEXUS membership card and Free and Secure Trade (FAST) trusted traveller programs as a valid means of identification at the border.

But more serious steps have failed.

In 2005, the so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership was signed by former prime minister Paul Martin, ex-U.S. president George W. Bush and former Mexican president Vicente Fox.

The SPP was aimed at reducing the cost of trade and improving the flow of people and information but became a lightning rod for criticism. It was savaged in the U.S. by CNN anchor Lou Dobbs who argued it was part of a plan to merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a North American Union.

By 2009, all three governments had abandoned the SPP, which is “no longer an active initiative,” according to its website.

? Copyright (c) CW Media Inc.Since we are officially becoming the North American Union, will we have another revolution %26amp; take back the U.S?
More Obama hope and change you can believe in
this is truly a sad thought. the us just wants canada's resources as its own.Since we are officially becoming the North American Union, will we have another revolution %26amp; take back the U.S?
Glenn Beck, we know you were fired for being such an idiot. Don't come on here and make a fool of yourself here too. LMFAO!Since we are officially becoming the North American Union, will we have another revolution %26amp; take back the U.S?
so long i didn't even read it and i have no idea what you are even asking

so i answer...

The United States remains more powerful (by far) than Canada, Mexico, or any other country in North or Central America. To suggest there is some sort of North American union anywhere near what the EU represents is simply incorrect.
The revolution started without us, it's the revolution against our Liberty, and we are losing because not enough people even know it's happening, and most people don't even know about the North American Union which has been in the works for a VERY long time, and just one step was the SPP which started in 2005.
Why on earth would Canada want to take over the USA. Don't think so.
Canada only has only the same population as the state of California.

The US is not going to be swallowed up by North America, rather Canada is being swallowed up by the US.
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